Botanical changes on the way

13th Mar 2014

It's been four long months since we last posted on our blog. And that's a ridiculous state of affairs in these internet-obsessed times. So it's not surprising that many of our loyal therapists and customers were starting to wonder what's been happening - or not happening - on the Botanicals front.

One reason is that we've been tied up in knots by EU red tape. It's a long and frustrating saga, and we won't bore you with details. But the EU - in their infinite wisdom - decided that anyone selling cosmetics and bodycare products had to comply with a long list of new regulations, involving lots of very complicated form-filling. And all done online at a website that kept crashing.

Many small firms decided it just wasn't worth the time, hassle and costs involved, and closed up shop. But we've battled through. And it's taken us this long to come out of the other side, blinking into the glorious sunshine.

Packaging redesign

The other reason for taking a lower profile is that we've been redesigning all our packaging. And as anyone who has ever wrestled with a wallpaper sample book, or paint colour chart will know, it's never easy finding a design that everyone is happy with. So there have been more than a few arguments, disagreements, and sulks along the way.

But now we seem to have reached a point where we feel ready to relaunch ourselves with a brand new set of clothes. Well, almost ready. It will be another few weeks before we've updated everything - labels, website, literature, etc, etc. But we're well on the way.

So to all our loyal customers and clients; may we ask your forgiveness for hiding our light under the proverbial bushel for so long. All will soon be revealed... (We just hope you agree it was well worth the wait!)